Monday, November 22, 2010

My Journey from Sinner to Saint...

How it all began…?

As I look back 29 years into my life; as a five years old boy, I will never forget the saddest day of my life. I still have a vivid memory of a dead man, who was carried by couple of soldiers into a van. I kept watching the sight and enquired what had happened to him. I was told by those by standers, that the man was erroneously shot which led to his death. He aalso told me that one day, we all are going to die and leave this world like that man. Hearing this, I was very sad deep within. That was the saddest day in my life. Until then, I always thought that only some people die and I was not one among them. I did not want to die, I wanted to live.

I began to grow with this quest within me, “where am I going to be the day when I die?” No one knew what was going on within me, but I had a deep need within my soul; I had a quest, but I had no answer to my quest. I thought piousness was the answer to my quest and would try going to temples and pray. But sadly, all along the way back, I still could not answer the cry of my inner soul. I thought, praying to the gods of all the religion was the answer and I started practicing in my life; I would pray every evening to the gods of all the religion; this only gave me momentary joy; but I was still in search of an answer. The concept of one God in Islam was attracting me day by day and I was preparing my mind to give it a try.

The quest and my inner self…

Then, it was one of those high school days; I had come down to my cousin’s place for a diwali (festival of lights in India) weekend. (I had very rare opportunity to go out of boarding school). During this weekend, inadvertently, I landed up in a discussion about religion with my cousin. He told me that there was only one Lord and one God Jesus Christ. This statement was a blow to my self-styled beliefs and persuasion. I could not reconcile that how a hapless man who died on the cross could possibly be the Lord? My persuasion was this, that people were only opting different paths, but eventually we all were reaching the same destination.

I began justifying my religious stand, my beliefs and my persuasions. I even claimed how powerful our gods (deity) were. Our discussion turned hot to the verge of fight. I was deeply taken aback to cognize, that all my past efforts were in vain and my inner self was not ready to accept that I was still without an answer. I feared that deep within; I felt insecure. I didn’t want to be without an answer. I was once again standing on a ground where I feared to stand. I didn’t how, when… but I felt empty within.

That day, I was left with just one question, “what do these Christians have that I do not?” That day, I promised myself to reach the heart of the truth. I decided to dig out what was there in Christianity, which I did not have.

Encounter with Christ in 1992

I couldn’t wait to get back to my school. My probe began that same evening. I borrowed a Bible from a Christian friend of mine. I started digging out the Bible. But the Bible gave me a shattering surprise. Something happened to me as I started reading the Bible; it was as though I was beholding a mirror. It reflected all my inner self. I was not only surprised but also afraid at the same time. I couldn’t believe what was happening to me. What I had thought to be normal part of my life for years, Bible defined it as sin. I felt naked and embarrassed.

I remember how I missed my classes only to sit in the library and read the Bible. I read the bible more than a month without missing a day then I knew  and was convinced in my heart that the Bible and the God of the Bible was true. No one touched my inner self so much, as much as the Bible did. I had never read such a book in my life before, so amazing and eye opening.

When my vacation commenced on Dec 12, 1992, I stepped into the Church for the first time in my life on 13 Dec 1992. The same day, Lord touched my heart deeply through the message of the cross. I knew that He had done so much for me but in return, I had given Him nothing. Finally, I decided to give my life to Jesus. Following this, on Dec 25, 1992; I gave my heart and life to Christ Jesus. This was and is the greatest day of my life and why shouldn't it be, after all I was made eternally secure by the Blood of Jesus Christ. Sadly, many don't understand this and many have enough time for this flesh, which will die and turn to dust one day, but have no time for their eternal soul, which will outlive the power of bodily death.

Today, I know who I am. I know where I came from. I know why I am here on the earth and I even know where I am going the day when I die. Wow! What a revelation Christ has poured into my spirit. I am wonderfully saved by His blood and unfailing Grace. It’s been 17 long years, with all the thick and thin of my life, but the Lord has lovingly guided me and restored me. All I know is this, that the Love of Jesus compels me to live for Him. The desire to know more of Christ and to be in His fellowship is like undying love.

What a joy it is to be in His arms. What a joy to know that I am eternally secure in His arms. Did you get an answer to your quest? Are you seeking the truth?  Jesus said, "You shal know the Truth and the Truth will set you free." Joh 8:32. Come to Jesus, He is waiting for you!

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